Sunday, August 13, 2006

Santísima Trinidad to be in the harbour of Malaga, Spain

Here’s a latest news item of human tragedy charged to the freaque waves:

“The inauguration of the 950 ton replica of the ‘Santísima Trinidad’ sailing boat was suspended in Málaga over the weekend after a worker in his 40’s on the boat fell from a ramp to his death. Two others were slightly injured in the accident which happened as the boat was hit by a freak large wave.

The accident happened on Saturday, the day before the opening was planned.”

We don't know how do freaque waves happen in the open ocean, neither do we know how freaque waves happen inside a harbor. They just happen!

Perhaps Americans should have historical interest on Santísima Trinidad. Here’s her relevant history according to Wikipedia:

In July 1779, Spain declared war on Great Britain, joining France in support of the American colonists in the American War of Independence. Santísima Trinidad became the flagship of the Spanish fleet, taking part in the Franco-Spanish operations in the English Channel in the late summer of that year. In 1780 she took part in the capture of an English convoy of 51 ships.

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