On this day, remembering the loss of the Big Fitz 35 years ago, I think the most important, significant development over the laqst 35 years was the publication of the paper of Hultquist, Dutter, and Schwab in the May 2006 issue of the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS). In this paper the three NOAA scientists made the best possible hindcast of the weather condition surrounding Lake Superior on November 10, 1975, using the best possible wave forecasting model available. *
Now after 35 years there is not much more science and technology can do to find out what was really happened beyond speculations. We still don't know how or why it had happened. That's the way it's going to remain from 35 years ago until, well, what ever!
Of course we do sincerely extend our sympathy to the 29 mourning families still grieving on the loss of their love ones. Here is the list of the whole crew from S.S. Edmund Fitzgerald Online.
* The adjectives I used here, i.e., most important, significant, best possible, are in my opinion in the generally objective sense describing my honest feelings. That, of course, may or may not be in consonance with conventional wisdom. But conventional wisdom at the present has unfortunately mostly politically contaminated. Political correct conventional wisdom in science is the most disgusting thing one can think of in science. I don't blame my colleagues who have to play the game sometimes. That's how I finally realized the beauty of being retired -- being relieved from all those PC concerns is so refreshing and liberating. Freedom is such a wonderful thing!
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