Saturday, August 09, 2008

One world, one nightmare

I thought I have done with blog on 2008 Olympics, but the radio news early this morning shocked me -- as this headline reports: Olympics 2008: US coach's relative murdered in Beijing. People in a police state has no safety at all! Of course the police in the police state is to protect the state and the thug leaders of the state. People is insignificant in the so-called "People's Republic"!

The theme slogan for 2008 Olympics is supposedly "One world, one dream." It appears it is really "One world, one nightmare!" A US tourist got killed while the US President, who was so eager to attend to please the commie leaders, is having fun at beach volleyball.

The designer of the Bird's Nest, Ai Weiwei, who chose not to attend the Olympic Opening, told Jonathan Watts of the Guardian:
"I think it is a shame, it's a loss," said Ai. "The original idea was to invite the international community to China, share the same values, celebrate humanity and goodwill, to speak about peace and social harmony. But today, you see police everywhere; in every neighbourhood there is tight security, not just in Beijing, but everywhere in China. People really live in a police state."
As Watts reported that Ai "feels China is spoiling the atmosphere of the games with an overzealous security operation. According to domestic media, the authorities have mobilised 100,000 police, installed 300,000 surveillance cameras, and sited anti-aircraft missiles next to the stadium. There are three rings of checkpoints on roads into the city, and ID inspections have been stepped up."

In the midst of all these security, an American was killed!

In a country where dissident and critics of the commie regime have been imprisoned, Mr. Ai's outspoken is admirably brave. One can not help wondering what might happen to him when the 2008 Olympics is over?


According to this report of EpochTime in Chinese, Ai Weiwei made the following comments about the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympics:
which can be translated correspondingly as:

A recycling of the rubbish of fake classical culture tradition;

A sacrilegious visual garbage dump and an insult to the spirit of liberty;

Low class sound play that’s just noise pollution;

A showcase of the reincarnation of the Marxist imperialism;

The ultimate paragon of an all embracing culture of fascist totalitarianism;

An encyclopedia that encompasses total defeat in intellectual spirit.

Ai's non-complementary comments, in Chinese, were quite poetic and absolutely brilliant. There's a Chinese expression that says some words can be thrown on the ground and you can hear the sound it makes. Ai's comments really carry that kind of powerfulness. That's why I copied them here. The English translation is an attempt on my part which was not an easy task. Any comments or corrections will be appreciated.

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