Friday, March 14, 2008

It happened in La Coruña, Spain

In this concise report of that entitled "Freak wave washes over beach wall in Spain":
A huge wave washed over a sea front in the north-western Spanish port city of La Coruna, surprising cars and pedestrians . . .
One can probably get a general idea of what had happened. This news reports the following with some more detail (but they misspelled the City's name):

Unsuspecting motorists got a shock when a freak wave washed over a beach wall in Spain.

The wave washed away cars as it crashed over the wall La Caruna, Spain.

It also hit a few unsuspected passers-by.

The dramatic moment was captured on amateur video.

It happened earlier this week during storms in the region - the same weather pattern that battered Britain and France.

The waves of up to 7m injured several people and damaged cars and boats, Spanish media said.

Yes, it only happened in seconds and it was captured on video, otherwise no one would ever readily believe what really had happened. Beyond the truly freaque nature of the totally unexpected happening, the incredibly amazing part of the whole thing has to be that how can someone be at the right place, at that very moment and had the video camera ready!?

While both Metro and NZ's tv3 articles used the word "freak wave" in their titles, they are certainly not the kind of deep sea freaque waves the word usually implies. I usually call those cases on the beach or in the nearshore area nearshore freaquewaves or onshore freaque waves. This case in La Coruña is certainly much inland than those nearshore or onshore cases. This may or may not be a semantic problem, we are simply running out of descriptive expressions for the continued surprising cases the nature hurling at us.

By the way, La Coruña is a Spanish city located in the north-western corner of the country surrounded by ocean. It is in a region of vast green landscapes. According to Tourspain, the region has a Celtic and Roman heritage which keeps, still today, a "mystic and magic" allure. Here's an areal view of the city I found from here:

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